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Technological Advance Effects for Societies

Selasa, 20 Oktober 2009

Technologies have good effects and bad effects; depend on who and how it is used. It is proofed in many human’s daily activities. Some technologies use for communication, electronic tools for facilitating human’s work, and for servicing humans need. But in other hands, many people use it for criminality or hurt other people. For example, hack bank accounts to paying tuition.

Main purpose of technologies is to make human’s life better and easier. Many discoveries appeared because limited actions of humans in working their activities. Communication technologies develop because of humans necessary in easy and cheaper communication. Electronic technologies develop because of humans need for handling traditional works that’s caused fussy. Development of instrument technology is necessary for making humans can control natural or unnatural process activity.

Many people can use technologies but not everyone can take many advantages from it. Technologies develop every minute and every second in our life. Someone can’t follow development of technologies will be misguided and on the other hand. For example: using PDA (personal digital assistant), as hand phone but has different content. It is constructed for personal management life like agenda, appointment, and contact with some software that can synchronize with personal computer (making new document/ slide presentations); Internet, now days everyone have to know what is internet. If we have good instinct to take advantage from it, it will be given us many advantages.

People can take many advantages if they can use technologies in right place on the right time. With development technologies, know people can send his work with no time and place limit. People can more mobile with less energy spending. But how if people that can’t use technologies? They will be lost in competition with the other because even they mobile they must spend energy bigger than other. One step they lost. In our student, internets have function for learning. But, in the real, many of students take internet for having fun with porn or the others.

Now we can look technologies advantage for societies. In Indonesia, Building nation must build Indonesian completely. So, the roles of technologies are learning, informing, influencing for moving to good progress.

Technologies for teach societies is role that make technology as media or place that knowledge and learning aspect publishing. In this role, Indonesian society can more easier for receive knowledge and information that can make Indonesian societies shaped. Smart societies influence good government and good societies. Good government and good societies make good progress for Indonesia moving to Indonesia Jaya.

Informing some mission or vision to societies have to fast and effective. Because of that, technologies are necessary. Without technology mission or vision will be longtime to reach the society. Long time for shape societies too. This is the role of informing at technologies.

Influencing is important for government to build good societies. It is more difficult if societies don’t believe to her government. But technologies minimize that problem. With technologies, societies can easier informing. So influencing can easier to do too. The role of influence of technologies can accepted.

The conclusions are technologies must give positive effects societies depend how the government and societies take advantage for technologies. It can’t rejected that human resource of technologies is necessary and we must keep eye for development technologies. Last, we must decide become the subject or the object of development technologies.


Sabtu, 17 Oktober 2009

Jam lima bangun sholat subuh, pagi berangkat kuliah. Sore pulang. Malam bantu orang tua. Setiap hari hanya begitu. Pastilah menimbulkan kejenuhan pada diri. Tidak ada perkembangan terutama bagi seseorang yang tidak memiliki jiwa kreatif atau inovasi. Hal ini juga merambah pada diri sendiri.

Bismillah dengan hati yang tulus ingin tahu solusi yang diberikan oleh Allah muncullah secercah sinar melalui sebuah artikel dari buku karangan DR. Aidh bin Abdullah al-Qarni (La Tahzan). Yaitu “Yang anda miliki adalah hari ini”.

Membuat mata batin tersadar bahwa optimalisasi dan batas waktu sangat lah berpengaruh pada psikologi diri sendiri.  Memberikan keyakinan bahwa hari ini adalah hidup terakhir memberikan dampak maksimalnya usaha untuk bekerja maupun beribadah. Bila kita dapat memakan roti empuk hari ini, apa yang terjadi dengan roti kemarin? apa juga yang akan terjadi dengan besok. Apakah roti yang sekarang kita makan akan kering melihat roti pada hari kemarin. Tentu tidak. Roti empuk akan tetap empuk hari ini jika langsung kita makan. Hal ini memberikan pengertian bahwa kita harus menghadapi apa yang ada didepan mata dan memaksimalkan segala peluang yang ada karna kita tidak mengetahui apa yang akan terjadi besok. Dan perlu kita ketahui roti yang kemarin telah kering tidak akan berubah menjadi empuk dan dapat dimakan. Oleh karenanya, hilangkan pemikiran hari kemarin keburukan, kegagalan. Karena tidak akan ikut pada hari ini dan berikutnya. Segala sesuatu, sukses atau gagal, tergantung ikhtiar kita hari ini. Tiap detik,menit adalah peluang kita merubah diri. Dengan memaksimalkan setiap hari kita maka akan datang sendirinya peluang dan masa depan yang cerah. InysaAllah kita sukses melaluinya.

Penting diketahui juga bahwa ibadah juga memberikan kemudahan pada siapapun untuk berikhtiar karena dalam ibadah terkandung rahasia-rahasia alam yang bersifat infinity. Semoga kita dapat mengamalkannya. Amin

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Electrical Engineer & Electrical Skill

Kamis, 08 Oktober 2009

In industrial field project, electrical skill work together with Electrical engineer. Some people said that little difference between both of them. Whatever they said of course you have own appraisal. This appraisal can look from education level and how large his responsible to solve problem in the field.

Electrical Skill is someone who passes vocational senior high school and decide to work with no academically title. Electrical Skill have capable to work at construction and installation. Less from de-sign and philosophy a system. Because in vocational education they have more adequate skill than se-nior high school and he prepared for fulfill industrial requirements.

Electrical Engineer is someone who passes technical undergraduate education. In this education, he study how to design and build a system that require to apply in industrial. So he can decide some duty for electrical skill and responsible for any chance to success or fail.

Many of electrical skill take undergraduate for move up to enough prosperous. Not little from elec-trical skill can move up to manager level without take undergraduate education. Whatever, engineer have more chance than electrical skill.

The conclusion can accepted by us that electrical engineer have more competence in philosophy and how to build a good system. Electrical engineer have more important responsible.


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